Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Holiday Weight Gain

Photo by Trey Ratcliff

Cookies, pies and potatoes! Oh my! 

Yes! We are almost through this time of year! The plethora of cookies will finally go back into hiding only to come out again on those oh-so stressful days. But, lets be honest should we really be worrying so much about gaining "a ton" of weight over the holidays. In my opinion, no, you shouldn't worry. Unless you are doing nothing but eating everyday and eating nothing but rich foods. Then, you don't have to much to worry about.

Use the main rules of a healthy lifestyle:
  • Get in those seven servings of fruits and veggies. Especially veggies around the holidays. Go slow on the fruits if you are going to be eating lots of desserts. There are 14 grams of sugar in one medium banana. That is the same as a small to medium gingerbread man, depending on the recipe. 
  • Get a good dose of cardio! Start a snowball fight, shovel, rake or if you are in a warmer climate (lucky) go for a nice long walk with the family or run. Just stay active. If you don't want the calories staying on your bum then shake it. 
  • Don't eat huge portions of everything served. You don't need to. If you are the kind of person who likes trying every food offered take one bite's worth of everything on your plate. That way if you like something you can get more of it. Plus, you can figure out what you might not like without feeling guilty about not eating the oh-so obvious amount left on your plate.
  • Try not to overdo it when it comes to the desserts. Like I said one medium to small gingerbread man has 14 grams of sugar. The average delicious red velvet cupcake has  20 grams of sugar and is about 240 calories. 
  • Never go hungry! Do not starve yourself all day before a holiday party. Eat like you normally would. You are less likely to overeat if you aren't extremely hungry already.
  • Drink water. Drink it. Drink it. Drink it. This is so important and something most of us forget about. At least I know I do. I often forget to drink water around the holidays. Usually because I am chasing after little kids, playing tag and kickball and/or getting hit in the head with pillows and cushions by them. Then, I end up with a major headache.
  • Lay off on the alcohol and breads. Empty calories are not your friend around the holidays or any time of year for that fact.
  • Most importantly enjoy yourself! Even if you follow one of these rules or heck, if you follow none of them don't stress. The extra pound will not put a huge dent in your fitness regimen. Just focus on being happy and healthy with your family and loved ones. 
I hope you all have a wonderful time these holidays!
I love you from your hearts to your hips!

XOXO- Bethany ♥

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